
On the fence

‘So you love her?’ She asked. Her eyes yearning for a no. Her lips trembling with doubt. He nodded. ‘Yes.’ She noticed an uncertainity as the word fell. But his eyes were fixed as he looked ahead. Dodging a car that honked past. ‘I think I do’. He said. With his chin up this time, as if battling her doubtful eyes.

It flashed across her mind the whole night. The talk they had on their way back home. She smiled when she thought about him. She loved every moment she spent with him. But she also knew what she wished she didn't. That she wasn’t as important to him, as he was to her.

His world was very different from hers. He was nothing that she saw in her man. He was selfish. He could be mean. He laughed at her. And he really didn’t care. But he was different. That, she knew. She liked him, she as sure.

There was something, however, she didn’t know. And that kept her awake on various nights. She wondered what she meant to him. She feared if she’d be misunderstood. Perhaps it never ran through his mind. And she hated herself for feeling this way.

And that night after what he said, she felt distressed and anxious. Was he being true? Or did he lie? So that she’d cease the hope in her?


Gastro Mallu said...


Love and Life it sure is funny...or is it weird


Naits said...

hmmm....dilemma strikes babe! nothing is easy in the matters of the heart....hmmm

craving to love life said...

i reserve my comments....euf said already.....come to blore over a weeekend....i have not seen ya in over a yr now...

Nina said...

wut!!! wut wut wut!!!! nooooo.... really????? damn......!!!!! :(((

Unknown said...

As some rock band said

How could he know
This new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea
But pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling
He could just be gone
He would just sail on
He'll just sail on

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on
Inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating
His sinking life
Outside it's hell
Inside, intoxicating

He's run aground
Like his life
Water much too shallow
Slipping fast
Down with his ship
Fading in the shadows
Now a castaway
They've all gone away
They've gone away

Vinitha Vasanth said...

"There was something, however, she didn’t know. And that kept her awake on various nights. She wondered what she meant to him. She feared if she’d be misunderstood. Perhaps it never ran through his mind. And she hated herself for feeling this way."
Nice ... well written ...
From experience ;)??

Saritha Rajagopal said...

@ Mushi: Weird I'd say! Very very weird!
@Naits:It's been difficult for a while nw babe! It's got to get easy sometime! :(
@craving: :) Yea bro! Will meet soon.
@Stone: :)
@Vinitha: Experience does bring out the best in you, doesn't it? ;)

Vinitha Vasanth said...

@ Saritha,

Yeah ;)

( that's why I posed that question ,btw ;))

Vinitha Vasanth said...
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Unknown said...

@ Sari..: Some frinds are for a Season and some for a Reason... the faster you realise, you move on....!!! :)

Unknown said...

@ Sari: some friends come to standby you for a reason, and some just to standby you for a season...


love is always the answer
in love is not love

proof that paranoia is universal
among humanity
is the presence of jealousy

there is no room for jealousy
in love